Showing posts with label Big Brother. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Big Brother. Show all posts

Friday, October 25, 2013

FMQ Friday - A great finish and other fun stuff

It's been a busy week here at the family homestead.  Our son and his lady friend were going to make an appearance with their two fur babies (very large dogs) so we needed to pick up and dog proof our home.  To say Buffy and Sassy were not happy is an understatement.  But the deal was he'd come to visit if he could bring his friend and the dogs.  Since we haven't seen him since July - the joys of having adult children - we agreed. It's interesting how the dogs are attracted to me, and are at my side every time I'm in the same room.  I'm a CAT person!

On the quilting front, I was able to find the fabric I wanted for the Quilt of Valor I'm working on for a client.  I love how the flag fabric sets off the blocks.  Now to make the time to piece the rows together and get the border on!   Because of all the white in the top, I decided to pre-wash the border fabric.  Good thing, because it took 3 washings with color catches to get the red to stop running!

I'm really excited to get  this finished and given.  I'm hoping they'll have many hours (years) of snuggling under the quilt.

My little quickie project this week is a fabric box.  We've been talking about them a lot at the Missouri Star Quilters Forum.  They are so quick and easy to make!  Check out the Tutorial from Seaside Stitches.  Tina Craig shows us how to make them.  I have plans for many boxes in the future for gifts and giveaways. 

This test box was made from a 10" piece of striped fabric with a great green piece from a layer cake. 

But by far, my favorite and best finish yet is the Big Brother quilt I made to go with the Baby quilt I told you about a couple of weeks ago.  I found the Tutorial at Wedding Dress Blue called Brotherly Love.
There are  many half square Triangles in this quilt!  I scaled it down to use 4" and 2" finished Half Square Triangles.  Buffy was right here to give her seal of approval.

Quilting it was a bit of a trial with all the seams and intersections.  My thread broke a lot!  But its done and on its way to a special little boy with his baby brother's quilt tagging along.

I'm linking up with Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Until Next Time ~ Happy Quilting!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Not MIA - I've been Quilting!

It's been a busy couple of weeks here at Kathy's Cache.  In my other life, I'm a bookkeeper, and with the late-filing tax season winding down, I had my head in someone's books for a good 2 or 3 weeks.  I was still able to snatch a few 15 minute breaks for cutting, sewing, quilting, pressing and trimming, but mostly book work.  I'm glad that's behind me until after the first of the year again.  Now I can concentrate on my list of UFOs...

Last weekend I went on a Quilting Retreat at Susan's Calico Creations in Fulton IL.  I had a blast!  I sewed to my heart's content until late into the night, and was up bright and early the next morning to sew again.  I made great progress on a number of different projects...

First up is a Quilt of Valor I'm making for a client's son and his wife.  Recently married, he's done his time in the sandbox (more than once).  On my last business trip to visit with her, I showed her some Quilts of Valor blocks I was making for the national block drive for Quilts of Valor.  She instantly fell in love with one of the blocks and claimed it as her own.  She signed her name to the block, and I added it to the pile I dropped off at the local quilt shop to be added to the others from across the country.

I was able to pre-cut the pieces before the retreat, so all I had to do was sew the blocks together.  I was able to finish 25 of the planned 30 blocks.  I'm going to have to re-think the plan because, well the numbers aren't coming out right - so I'm thinking on it.  I need to have it finished by November 7 when I plan to present it to her to give to her at a workshop we're both attending.  She will have it in plenty of time to give to him for Christmas.   A triple blessing.  Stay tuned for pictures of the finished quilt.

Big Brother quilt is assembled.  This one is made up of something like 300 half square triangles.  Did I mention I spent a lot of 15 minute work breaks pressing and trimming?   This one is from one of my favorite designers at Wedding Dress Blue - a take off of her Brotherly Love quilt.   I scaled it down to 4 1/2 inch and 2 1/2 inch half square triangles, and made a toddler-size quilt for the big brother of the baby whose quilt I wrote about last time.  The pieces were also pre-cut and the triangles were made, so this one went together in a snap once I got the pattern figured out!  Wouldn't you know, I left the directions at home!  Thank goodness for Wi-Fi, and a very generous hostess who let me tap into her internet.

I also made 7 pillowcases for gifts 21 split nine patch blocks, and a big batch of chili (sorry no pictures it was all gone!)

I really enjoyed my time away from home, pushing the fabric through the machine and visiting with all my new friends.   I'm planning on doing this again in the future.

So a big old Whoop Whoop for getting so much done in one weekend!  Linking up with Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict!

Linking up with Leah Day's FMQ Friday